The Day Of The Dead

Bonanza Presents
'Dia De Los Muertos'...'Day Of The Dead'
Playing Live:
+Bonanza DJ's
Each month Bonanza & Filthy MacNastys pay homage to the icons, innovators, outlaws, renegades and mavericks who in the name of their art went further than the rest and paid the 'ultimate' price...
As we say around these parts:
'If you ain’t DEAD then YOU just ain’t LIVED'.
On Sat 7th May 2011 we will pay tribute to the ‘Big Eyed Bean from Venus himself Captain Beefheart aka Don Van Vliet and his Magic Band (January 15, 1941 – December 17, 2010)
We will celebrate his life & those he has both influenced and been influenced by with bands, djs, visuals and film projections.
Playing live and perfoming unique versions of Captain Beefheart songs will be Skronking Punk Blues One Man Band HONKEYFINGER + One man Blues merchant Hangdog and his amazing travelling Revelator sound system
+ Bonanza DJs
Past Day Of The Dead heroes have included:
Hank Williams (17th September 1923 - 1st January 1953)
Jim Morrison (8th December 1943 - 3rd July 1971)
Joe Strummer (21st August 1952 - 22nd December 2002)
Johnny Cash (26th Feb 1932 - 12th September 2003)
Syd Barrett (6 January 1946 - 7th July 2006)
Billie Holiday (April 7, 1915 – July 17, 1959)
Upcoming Day Of The Dead:
4th June: Elvis Presley (acts tbc)
Bonanza Presents:
'Dia De Los Muertos'... 'Day Of The Dead'
Saturday 7th May 2011
‘Captain Beefheart (Don Van Vliet) Tribute’
Playing Live
Another very welcome return to one of Bonanza’s favourite One Man Bands. 'The Finger' always blows the roof off any venue we’ve put him on and he’s back to show his utmost respect for the Captain Don Van Vliet with his pounding, primal, amped-up & freaked-out Blues racket direct from the bowels of Hell; erupting molten, fuzz lap-steel, screaming harmonica riffs and insane, bestial howling in a scorching-hot cocktail of crazed Trash-Country Psych-Blues.... Phew... Imagine Son House being spit-roasted by The Butthole Surfers as they whistle songs by Hank Williams I, II & III around Black Sabbath's Country camp-fire that the Captain himself insists on dowsing with petrol every five minutes and you'll be somewhere close to his sound!
HonkeyFinger has worked with Two Lone Swordsmen as well as having his songs remixed by the God-like genius that is Mr. Andrew Weatherall. Not to be missed!
+ Hangdog:
Skronked out whiskey Swamp-Blues from Charlie Hangdog and his One Man Band, Harmonica-driven, hand-built retro Sound System... This is what would happen if Son Of Dave got kicked out of a nightclub for being too drunk and getting into a fight with Doctor John; Tom Waits and Howling Wolf are the bouncers who escort him onto The Filthy MacNasty stage tonight yeeeeeeeah!
He also runs the (Sunday) Revelator collective, makes his own effects boxes (which he will use tonight) and lives on a boat... 'Fuck em up!'
+ Bonanza DJ's (ResonanceFM)
Saturday 7th May 2011
@ Filthy MacNasties
68 Amwell Street,
For all future events please go to:
Bonanza Music & Promotions
Promoter & DJ
Bonanza on ResonanceFM
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